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Newswise: Artificial intelligence tools secure tomorrow’s electric grid
Release date: 22-Jul-2024 8:05 AM EDT
Artificial intelligence tools secure tomorrow’s electric grid
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory and partner institutions have launched a project to develop an innovative suite of tools that will employ machine learning algorithms for more effective cybersecurity analysis of the U.S. power grid.

Newswise: New Image Segmentation Tool Boosts Precision for Autonomous Driving and Medical Imaging
Release date: 22-Jul-2024 8:05 AM EDT
New Image Segmentation Tool Boosts Precision for Autonomous Driving and Medical Imaging
Higher Education Press

Graph-Segmenter improves image segmentation with graph transformers and boundary-aware attention, boosting road safety and medical diagnostics.

Newswise: Virginia Tech researchers find potential method to control mosquito populations through genetic breeding
19-Jul-2024 1:00 PM EDT
Virginia Tech researchers find potential method to control mosquito populations through genetic breeding
Virginia Tech

Virginia Tech researchers have found a new way to identify genetic targets useful for control of mosquito populations, potentially offering an alternative to insecticides.

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Newswise: Research Team Uncovers Optimal Conditions for Soursop Cultivation to Boost Food Security and Agricultural Diversity
Released: 21-Jul-2024 1:05 AM EDT
Research Team Uncovers Optimal Conditions for Soursop Cultivation to Boost Food Security and Agricultural Diversity
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A research team has identified the optimal edaphic and climatic conditions for the growth of soursop (Annona muricata L.), a plant with significant medicinal potential and nutritional value.

Newswise: Endangered Senegalia venosa in Ethiopia: Urgent Conservation Measures Needed for Sustainable Management and Regeneration
Released: 21-Jul-2024 1:05 AM EDT
Endangered Senegalia venosa in Ethiopia: Urgent Conservation Measures Needed for Sustainable Management and Regeneration
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A research team has identified the distribution and regeneration status of the endangered Senegalia venosa in Tigray and Gonder drylands.

Newswise: Comprehensive Evaluation Identifies Top Finger Lime Varieties for Commercial and Ornamental Use
Released: 21-Jul-2024 1:05 AM EDT
Comprehensive Evaluation Identifies Top Finger Lime Varieties for Commercial and Ornamental Use
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A research team conducted a comprehensive evaluation of nine finger lime varieties, identifying key differences in fruit peel color and suitability for commercial production.

Newswise: New HbGBTS80K Liquid SNP Chip Revolutionizes Rubber Tree Breeding
Released: 21-Jul-2024 1:05 AM EDT
New HbGBTS80K Liquid SNP Chip Revolutionizes Rubber Tree Breeding
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A research team developed and validated a liquid SNP chip named 'HbGBTS80K', which includes 80,080 SNPs evenly distributed across 18 chromosomes.

Newswise: Tuning into the frequencies of conical shells: a fluid-structure symphony
Released: 20-Jul-2024 9:05 AM EDT
Tuning into the frequencies of conical shells: a fluid-structure symphony
Chinese Academy of Sciences

In a pivotal study, researchers examine the natural vibrations of truncated conical shells partially filled with an ideal compressible fluid. This exploration is crucial for advancing our understanding of fluid-structure interactions, particularly in complex geometries where traditional analytical methods fall short. The study's findings could revolutionize the design and safety of structures in various engineering applications.

Newswise: ghoneim-eman-researchers-uncover-buried-branch-of-nile-river-news-notpad-eman-ghoneim.jpg
Released: 19-Jul-2024 4:05 PM EDT
Research Team Discovers Lost Nile River Branch
University of North Carolina Wilmington

Findings may explain location of largest Egyptian pyramid field
